Monday, August 15, 2016


So, apparently, in indonesia, there will be new schooltime regulations, in which where school becomes full-day, or actually just 7:00 (approx) up to 17:00, which makes schooltime around 10 hours long, adding only 2 hours to its regular time schedule (For me at least, normally my school dismisses at 15:00), I wrote this for my opinion, although i can argue whether or not it is a good thing to add 2 hours to the regular time schedule as i have not researched enough about it to give a comprehensive opinion on it, nevertheless, i think its a fine thing to add 2 hours since judging from what I've read, it is for good reasons, which you may look up yourself since im too lazy to write it now, this post will be updated pretty quickly, but it will remain like this for a while.